Phone: (818) 986-9638
Dr. Rachela Conti is a licensed clinical Psychologist practicing in Encino, CA. Dr. Conti received her Master's Degree from Pepperdine University in the area of Marriage, Family, and Child Centered Therapy. After receiving her Master's Degree, she continued her education and obtained a Doctoral Degree in the field of Clinical Psychology in 1998. Dr. Conti has extensive experience working with children, teens, couples, and adults. She treats a wide range of areas including Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, Trichotillomania, learning difficulties, developmental disabilities, substance use, ADHD, PTSD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Dr. Conti has also obtained comprehensive post-doctoral training and experience in treating couples suffering from intimacy and sexual disorders.
Dr. Conti's previous experience has entailed treating seriously impacted families at The Sycamores, a highly restricted residential treatment facility. During her tenure there, she treated boys who were severely emotionally and physically abused. She also served as a therapist at Children's Institute International assisting children and families in abusive situations, helping to educate parents on how to be better parents to their children and providing psychological testing to the families in need. In addition, Dr. Conti has experience working with children diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, learning differences and other developmental challenges at The Help Group. Dr. Conti treated runaway teens at Options House as a part of her continued effort to make a difference in the lives of high-risk adolescents, After working with children and families, Dr. Conti decided to pursue a private practice focusing on issues related to Marriage, Family, and Children.
Dr. Conti has also obtained additional training and experience in the area of Couples and Sex Therapy. For the last several years, Dr. Conti has helped married couples who have experienced challenges with intimacy and feeling connected.
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